Facing the facts on Campylobacter
You may have heard our Chief Executive Catherine Brown being interviewed on BBC radio 4’s Face the Facts programme earlier this week. Catherine was talking about Campylobacter and urging industry to...
View ArticleMaking horse sense of contaminated burgers
It has no doubt come as a surprise to members of the public that traces of horse meat and pig meat have been found in ‘100% beef burgers’ sold by a number of UK high street retailers and that in one...
View ArticleFSA goes viral
If you read my blog on campylobacter yesterday you might be interested to find out that we have also been working on another bug – Norovirus. Earlier this week, a range of national and international...
View ArticleFancy checking out our priorities?
The Agency has just published itsForward Evidence Plan for 2013. The plan outlines science and evidence priorities for the coming year, including potential areas for research funding.The proposals...
View ArticleFood safety: the Europe question
The FSA plays a key role in the EU, representing the UK's interests in terms of food safety. As part of the current debate on Europe, the Agency has issued a Europe-themed issue of its Bite magazine.It...
View ArticleHorsemeat in beef: sampling protocol published
The FSA has announced its sampling protocolfor a UK-wide survey of food authenticity in processed meat products. The aim of the survey, which is being carried out with local authority enforcement...
View ArticleDecontamination of bovine carcasses: the acid test
I was pleased to learn that the European Commission is to authorise the use of lactic acid for the surface decontamination of bovine carcasses, with effect from 25 February. The European Food Safety...
View ArticleHorsemeat: testing times for all
Thanks to everyone who commented on my 7 February blog on sampling for horsemeat in beef. If you go to the FSA website you will find tables containing results from the latest round of tests. In...
View ArticleIt’s not as simple as in CSI
As the horse meat issue continues to unfold I’ve been asked a number of times why we can’t simply use DNA techniques to test for all species in all products – and test for them quickly. I hope that...
View ArticleWaiter. Is that an insect in my soup?
A story on the BBC website yesterday reported that Israeli citizens have been taking revenge on locusts swarming over their farmland – by eating them. According to the report, locusts taste like...
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